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The delegation from Russia's Vyatka State University visited our university to carry out cooperation and exchange activities

Nov 17, 2023

On November 9th, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of our university, a delegation consisting of Professor Fomin Sergey, the Vice President of Vyatka State University in Russia; Scherbinina Elena, Deputy Director of the Institute; Kolesnikova Olga, Professor of the School of Education; Vylegjanina Svetlana, the Associate Professor; and associate Professor Trushkov Mikhail visited our university and conducted cooperation and exchange activities.

At the symposium, President Li Weimin warmly welcomed the arrival of Vice President Fomin Sergey and his delegation from Vyatka State University, and introduced the development overview, educational characteristics, and international exchanges of our university to the delegation. Li Weimin stated that being able to enhance mutual understanding through face-to-face communication has played a strong role in promoting the two universities to leverage their respective strengths and build a wider range of cooperation in more fields. He hopes that both sides can further strengthen cooperation and exchange in the future, complement each other's strengths, and coexist harmoniously, making positive contributions to promoting the development of China and Russia. The Vice President Fomin Sergey also expressed gratitude for the warm reception from our school, hoping that both sides can further enhance understanding and explore more possibilities for cooperation based on exchanges, and also contribute to promoting cultural exchange and friendship development between China and Russia.

After the symposium, the teachers from the delegation of Vyatka State University presented a unique course on introducing Russian culture to our students. They dressed in traditional Russian clothing and introduced Russia's customs, history, and culture in an immersive and zero distance manner. They also invited students present to experience Russian traditional dance through games and dances. The classroom atmosphere was lively, and the students responded warmly, showcasing the deep friendship between China and Russia.

During the visit of our university, the Russian delegation held a meeting with the first class of master's degree program jointly trained by our two universities. They had a deeper discussion on the master's cooperation project and the master's degree program in Russia. They also visited the cultural corridor of our university's Anti Japanese League, retraced the path of the Anti Japanese League, experienced the hardships and hardships of the people in Northeast China during the War of Resistance Against Japan, and personally experienced the practical achievements of our university's Northeast Anti Japanese League spirit education.

Huang Zhidong, the Director of the Science and Technology Department of our school, An Changwei, the Dean of the School of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering, and Lang Qingyang, the Deputy Director of the Office of Cooperative Development and International Education, among other relevant department heads, participated in some of the visit and exchange activities.